EU Commission Postpones ETIAS Start Date to May 2023


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EU Commission Postpones ETIAS Start Date to May 2023

one year ago (01 August 2023)



In an effort to enhance security and manage potential risks associated with non-EU travelers, the European Commission has made a significant update to the launch date of ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System). Originally scheduled for late 2022, the system's implementation will now take place in May 2023. This delay comes as the commission strives to ensure the robustness and effectiveness of the automated IT system, which will play a crucial role in assessing individuals seeking to visit countries within the European Union.

Understanding ETIAS

ETIAS, which stands for European Travel Information and Authorization System, is an innovative initiative designed to perform advanced checks on non-EU travelers planning to visit the European Union. By employing cutting-edge technology, the system aims to identify potential epidemic risks, irregular migration concerns, and other security threats even before travelers arrive at the EU's borders. This proactive approach to screening travelers is vital in maintaining the safety and well-being of both EU residents and visitors.

The Application Process

To avail themselves of the privilege of traveling to the Schengen area without a visa, non-EU travelers will need to complete an online application form through ETIAS. The form will require applicants to provide essential contact details, travel documents, residence information, level of education, and other pertinent data. All submitted information will be treated with utmost confidentiality and in compliance with data protection principles.

Efficient Authorization Process

The primary goal of ETIAS is to grant travel authorizations swiftly and efficiently. In most cases, applicants can expect to receive their authorization within minutes of submission. However, there might be instances where additional checks are necessary, potentially elongating the process to approximately one month. Nonetheless, the aim remains to streamline the authorization process as much as possible to facilitate smooth travel for visitors.

Mandatory Requirement and Fee

Non-EU travelers planning to visit the Schengen area will be obligated to obtain travel authorization through ETIAS. Alongside this requirement, a nominal €7 fee will be charged to process the authorization request. This fee contributes to the maintenance and operation of the system, ensuring its continued effectiveness in safeguarding the EU's borders.

Implementation at Border Crossing Points

Upon successful authorization through ETIAS, travelers will have fulfilled a mandatory pre-condition for entry into the European Union from third countries. Border control authorities will request the ETIAS authorization alongside other standard travel documents at external border crossing points. This seamless integration of ETIAS into existing border control procedures aims to enhance efficiency without compromising security.

A Step Towards Enhanced Security and Efficiency

The European Commission, the European Parliament, and the EU Council collectively approved ETIAS in 2016, formalizing its enactment in the 2018 ETIAS Regulation. The system's development is entrusted to the European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice (EU-LISA). The objective of ETIAS is twofold: first, to empower countries in the Schengen area to manage their borders more effectively, and second, to bolster internal security measures.


By postponing the ETIAS launch to May 2023, the European Commission demonstrates its commitment to refining and optimizing the system's capabilities. ETIAS is poised to revolutionize the way non-EU travelers gain access to the European Union, introducing a more streamlined, secure, and efficient authorization process. As the system reaches full implementation, both EU residents and visitors can look forward to a safer and more seamless travel experience within the Schengen area. The postponement reflects the Commission's dedication to staying at the forefront of modern security measures while continuing to foster an inviting environment for global travelers.


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