Dominica Ranks as Safest Country in the Caribbean in 2023 World Citizenship Report


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Dominica Ranks as Safest Country in the Caribbean in 2023 World Citizenship Report

one year ago (01 August 2023)



According to the latest World Citizenship Report published by the leading government advisory and marketing firm, CS Global Partners, Dominica has claimed the top spot as the safest country in the Caribbean. Get ready to discover what makes Dominica the go-to destination for safety and security in the region.

Dominica Tops Safety and Security Rankings in the Caribbean

Dominica, known as the Nature Isle, has secured its position as the leader in safety and security among Caribbean nations. The World Citizenship Report utilized the data-driven World Citizenship Index (WCI), which assesses 188 countries based on five key motivators relevant to the mass affluent. Dominica emerged victorious in the Safety and Security pillar with an impressive score of 76.9, earning it the 38th spot globally.

Caribbean Safety Rankings: Dominica Leads the Pack

Let's dive deeper into the rankings within the Caribbean region. Following Dominica's outstanding performance in safety and security, we have Grenada at 46, St Kitts and Nevis at 48, Saint Lucia at 50, and Antigua and Barbuda at 52. These countries are also making significant strides in ensuring the well-being of their citizens and visitors.

Dominica Sets the Safety Standard in the International Arena

Dominica's dedication to physical safety, rule of law, and political stability has propelled it to the forefront of the safety landscape. The country excels in categories such as voice and accountability, empowering its citizens to hold leaders accountable for their demands and needs. This commitment has earned Dominica a well-deserved reputation as a safe haven in the international arena.

Navigating the Post-Pandemic Era: The Importance of Safety and Security

In the aftermath of the global pandemic, the world faces challenges such as generational inflation, macroeconomic volatility, and geopolitical instability. Dominica, like many other nations, has experienced the ripple effects of these crises. However, the country's steadfastness in maintaining safety and security has contributed to its resilience during these trying times.

A Shift in Citizen Perspectives: Freedom, Safety, and Opportunity

The upheaval of the past two years has prompted people worldwide to reevaluate their relationship with their governments. Freedom, safety, and opportunity have become paramount concerns. As a result, affluent individuals and high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) seek alternative destinations that offer the freedoms they desire. Dominica, with its investment migration scheme, presents itself as an attractive option, granting access to top-notch travel and economic markets.

Caribbean Jurisdictions Prioritize Safety and Security

The Caribbean region, renowned for its natural beauty, is increasingly focusing on safety and security to enhance tourism and attract digital nomads. Smaller jurisdictions within the Caribbean, like St Kitts and Nevis, have made remarkable strides in ensuring the rule of law for all. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports a significant reduction in crime statistics over the past five years, cementing St Kitts and Nevis as one of the safest islands to visit in 2023.

Dominica: A Gateway to Safety and Prosperity

Caribbean nations offering investment migration schemes, such as Dominica, provide global citizens with access to some of the world's finest travel and economic markets. Dominica has been welcoming foreign nationals to obtain citizenship since 1993. With its political and economic stability, low crime rate, and abundant investment opportunities, Dominica continues to position itself as a prime destination for those seeking safety, security, and prosperity.

Discover Dominica: The Epitome of Safety in the Caribbean

There you have it, folks. Dominica has rightfully earned the title of the safest country in the Caribbean. With its breathtaking natural landscapes, warm hospitality, and unwavering commitment to safety and security, Dominica stands out as a beacon of tranquility in the region. Whether you're planning a vacation or considering a new place to call home, Dominica has everything you need. Cheers to Dominica and its well-deserved recognition as the Caribbean's safest gem!

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